[Fedora-join] Meeting logs for 2018-10-09: ticket updates, release based classroom schedule, pro-active tracking of new contributors
Ankur Sinha
2018-10-09 18:17:02 UTC

Here are the logs from today's meeting. There are one or two tickets
that need inputs, so if you can please comment on them before the next
meeting, we can make a decision then.

- Feedback needed on new Fedora release schedule based classroom
calendar (https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/87)

The idea here is that we set ourselves up in sync with the Fedora
releases so that we can plan ahead, organise better, and not compete
with release related tasks/marketing. I've put together a draft
calendar here as a prototype. If you can please go through it and
comment on the ticket, we shall refine it as required:

- In line with this new calendar scheme, we have 8 weeks between
releases where we'd like to have at least 6 sessions in successive
weeks. So, we need to decide which sessions we should try to organise.
There are quite a few options:
If you can please go through the list and vote (comment as +1), we
shall count votes at the next meeting and pick 6 (+1 or 2 as backup).

Here are the links to the meeting logs, and summary is below. Thank you
for attending, and I shall see you in a week.


Here are the action items:

Action Items, by person
* bt0
* dhanesh95 bt0 x3mboy alciregi hellbanger FranciscoD : review
https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/87 and provide
* bt0 close #65 when recording link has been provided
* dhanesh95
* dhanesh95 bt0 x3mboy alciregi hellbanger FranciscoD : review
https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/87 and provide
* FranciscoD
* FranciscoD comment on ticket noting agreement
* FranciscoD e-mail devel list to clarify the function of "Trivial"
key word on review tickets
* dhanesh95 bt0 x3mboy alciregi hellbanger FranciscoD : review
https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/87 and provide
* FranciscoD close #61
* FranciscoD write script to extract information from FAS on
applications to FAS groups
* FranciscoD open new ticket for script and make it block #86
* FranciscoD send out logs and update next_meeting page
* hellbanger
* dhanesh95 bt0 x3mboy alciregi hellbanger FranciscoD : review
https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/87 and provide
* x3mboy
* dhanesh95 bt0 x3mboy alciregi hellbanger FranciscoD : review
https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/87 and provide

#fedora-meeting-3: Fedora Join 2018-10-09
Meeting started by FranciscoD at 17:00:06 UTC.

Meeting summary
* We will follow this meeting guide:
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Guide (FranciscoD, 17:00:55)
* The agenda is here:
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Join/Next_Meeting (FranciscoD,
* Roll call (FranciscoD, 17:01:12)
* FAS: ankursinha; IRC: FranciscoD; GMT+1; Classrooms, Join,
Packaging, NeuroFedora (FranciscoD, 17:01:51)
* Alberto Rodriguez S; UTC-5;CommOps (Metrics, Community engagement),
DotNet (Testing), Infrastructure(Apprentice), Marketing (Member),
Ambassadors (Member),Fedora-Join(Member) ,Cats (lover) (bt0,

* New member introductions (FranciscoD, 17:07:08)
* If anyone here is new to Fedora or the team, please introduce
yourselves :) (FranciscoD, 17:07:36)

* Community announcements (FranciscoD, 17:09:40)
* Fedora 29 final freeze:
(FranciscoD, 17:10:16)
* Fedora Modularity test day on 2018-10-12:
(FranciscoD, 17:10:55)
* FPgM's report:
(FranciscoD, 17:11:46)

* Tasks from last week (FranciscoD, 17:13:03)
* Logs from last week's meeting:
(FranciscoD, 17:13:12)
* bt0 update https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/72 with
more information (Script to get last activity of a user): DONE
(FranciscoD, 17:14:05)
https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/72#comment-535664 ->
comment in question (FranciscoD, 17:14:59)
* AGREED: (hellbanger, 17:16:43)
* AGREED: Use "last seen" and "active" fields of FAS with some date
constraint to measure activity of contributors in script (+4/-0)
(FranciscoD, 17:17:34)
* ACTION: FranciscoD comment on ticket noting agreement (FranciscoD,
* dhanesh95 FranciscoD finish post and aim to publish in 2 weeks:
PENDING (FranciscoD, 17:18:29)
* dhanesh95 FranciscoD finish post and aim to publish: to be discussed
in meeting on 23rd October. (FranciscoD, 17:21:07)
* FranciscoD e-mail devel list to clarify the function of "Trivial"
key word on review tickets: PENDING, reassigning (FranciscoD,
* ACTION: FranciscoD e-mail devel list to clarify the function of
"Trivial" key word on review tickets (FranciscoD, 17:22:34)
* s14ck FranciscoD discuss newcomers + classroom after meeting: DONE:
a separate set of sessions for LATAM will be run. More information
at https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/74 (FranciscoD,
* FranciscoD send e-mails to ML about tickets that need discussing one
by one: PENDING, needs discussion, reassigning (FranciscoD,
* FranciscoD work on
https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/6: (Introduction
template for contributors): PENDING, reassigning (FranciscoD,
* FranciscoD file ticket proposing zsh classroom session and assign it
to x3mboy : DONE:
https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/76 (FranciscoD,
* FranciscoD file ticket for Vim 102 classroom session: DONE:
https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/77 (FranciscoD,
* FranciscoD file ticket for Silverblue classroom session: DONE:
https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/78 (FranciscoD,
* FranciscoD send out logs and updates next_meeting page etc: DONE
(FranciscoD, 17:27:01)
* FranciscoD close https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/28:
DONE (Video platform overview) (FranciscoD, 17:27:33)
* hellbanger file ticket about l10n classroom sessions: DONE:
https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/73 and
https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/80 (FranciscoD,
* #73 is about holding more sessions for non English speakers
(FranciscoD, 17:28:30)
* #80 is about a session on l10N 101 (FranciscoD, 17:28:39)

* Pagure tickets (FranciscoD, 17:29:00)
* https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/87: Release related
Fedora classroom schedule (FranciscoD, 17:29:21)
* ACTION: dhanesh95 bt0 x3mboy alciregi hellbanger FranciscoD : review
https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/87 and provide
comments (FranciscoD, 17:36:11)
* AGREED: We decide 6 classroom sessions for F29 at next week's
meeting (FranciscoD, 17:43:17)
* https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/61: Fedora
modularity classroom sessions (FranciscoD, 17:43:59)
* ACTION: FranciscoD close #61 (FranciscoD, 17:46:34)
* ACTION: bt0 close #65 when recording link has been provided
(FranciscoD, 17:46:44)
* https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/86: Keeping an eye
on contributors looking for sponsorship to various groups
(FranciscoD, 17:47:04)
* ACTION: FranciscoD write script to extract information from FAS on
applications to FAS groups (FranciscoD, 17:54:28)
* ACTION: FranciscoD open new ticket for script and make it block #86
(FranciscoD, 17:57:24)
* ACTION: FranciscoD send out logs and update next_meeting page
(FranciscoD, 17:59:45)

Meeting ended at 18:00:01 UTC.

People Present (lines said)
* FranciscoD (132)
* dhanesh95 (40)
* bt0 (26)
* hellbanger (17)
* zodbot (13)
* x3mboy (0)

Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD"

Time zone: Europe/London