[Fedora-join] Meeting logs: 13 November 2018: ticket updates, status check on F29 classroom sessions
Ankur Sinha
2018-11-14 09:23:59 UTC

Sorry for the confusion about meeting times today. The meeting is at
1700UTC each week. The next meeting page is correct, and fedocal has
been corrected too:


Logs from yesterday's meeting are here:

We mainly discussed the few tickets we had to, and moved to doing a
quick status check on F29 classroom sessions that will start in a few
weeks. Next week, we will go over the tickets related to Ask Fedora's
possible migration to discourse.

Here are action items to be done this week, and the summary follows:

Action Items, by person
* FranciscoD
* FranciscoD send out logs
* FranciscoD update next_meeting page
* FranciscoD file tickets for buildah session
* FranciscoD add Ask Fedora migration tickets to next_meeting page

#fedora-join: Fedora Join 2018-11-13

Meeting started by FranciscoD at 17:02:21 UTC. The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary
* Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Join/Next_Meeting
(FranciscoD, 17:02:52)
* Roll call (FranciscoD, 17:02:57)
* ankursinha: packager, join, classrooms, misc (GMT) (FranciscoD,
* Alberto Rodriguez S;UTC-6; CommOps , Join and more (bt0, 17:04:12)

* New member introductions (FranciscoD, 17:06:20)
* If there are any folks who are new here, please use this time to
introduce yourselves to the group :) (FranciscoD, 17:06:35)

* Community announcements (FranciscoD, 17:08:58)
* Please share any community announcements here (FranciscoD,
-> Bodhi updates are now automated (FranciscoD, 17:09:42)
* FPgM's report:
(FranciscoD, 17:10:06)
* Nominations for the Fedora 29 election cycle open on Wednesday 14
November (bt0, 17:10:09)

* Pagure tickets marked for discussion this week (tag:next-meeting)
(FranciscoD, 17:15:20)
(FranciscoD, 17:15:29)
* 96 Proposal: Join Office hours?
https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/96 (FranciscoD,
* Please add your office hours to
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Join/OfficeHours (FranciscoD,
* AGREED: close #96 (+4/-0) (FranciscoD, 17:23:31)
* https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/99: Publicise the
stats tool kit (FranciscoD, 17:24:02)
* skip discussing 99 (FranciscoD, 17:24:34)
* https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/100: Fedora
classroom templates (FranciscoD, 17:24:45)
* 100 WIP: skip (FranciscoD, 17:25:06)

* Tasks from past week (FranciscoD, 17:25:50)
* FranciscoD ask the design/badges team if someone could please take
the badges session: DONE (we have an instructor!) (FranciscoD,
* FranciscoD ask the L10N folks if someone can please take a L10N
session: DONE (we have an instructor!) (FranciscoD, 17:26:56)
* FranciscoD ask the design team if someone could please take the
badges session: NA (got instructor from badges team) (FranciscoD,
* bt0 check if dwalsh is the same one as in
https://stopdisablingselinux.com/ and if they are, request them to
take the selinux session: DONE, yes it is the same person and
they've suggested someone for selinux (FranciscoD, 17:27:28)
* hellbanger Request sanja to take the silverblue session: DONE:
miabbot will probably instruct the session (FranciscoD, 17:28:00)
* hellbanger bt0 x3mboy_ alciregi dhanesh95 RNM jhoanir find
instructors for Silverblue, L10N, Fedora badges, Selinux: DONE
(FranciscoD, 17:28:10)
* FranciscoD make a wiki table to let join team members mark what
hours they can monitor the channel: DONE:
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Join/OfficeHours (FranciscoD,
* bt0 FranciscoD go through stats tools kit and show them the needed
love: WIP (FranciscoD, 17:28:37)
* FranciscoD Get #100 done: WIP: will be done this week! (FranciscoD,
* FranciscoD send out logs: DONE (FranciscoD, 17:29:02)
* ACTION: FranciscoD send out logs (FranciscoD, 17:29:06)
* FranciscoD update next_meeting page: DONE (FranciscoD, 17:29:15)
* ACTION: FranciscoD update next_meeting page (FranciscoD, 17:29:17)

* Status check on F29 classroom sessions (FranciscoD, 17:29:55)
* https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/94: Tracker ticket
(FranciscoD, 17:30:00)
* https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/81: Fedora Badges
(FranciscoD, 17:30:45)
* riecatnor has volunteered to instruct this session (FranciscoD,
* We need a summary for the magazine post + a date/time for the
session: https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/113
https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/114 (FranciscoD,
* https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/64: containers 101
with podman (FranciscoD, 17:36:59)
* alezzandro is instructing, bt0 is managing #64: need magazine post
and time/date: https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/102
https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/103 (FranciscoD,
* FranciscoD is managing Badges classroom session (FranciscoD,
* https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/97: selinux 101
(FranciscoD, 17:39:06)
* selinux classroom session needs an instructor, FranciscoD emaild
lvrabec, still waiting for reply (FranciscoD, 17:39:53)
* https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/69: LaTeX 101
(FranciscoD, 17:40:28)
* FranciscoD is managing and instructing LaTeX 101: will have magazine
post done this week but will wait to pick a slot until other
instructors have picked theirs (FranciscoD, 17:40:56)
* https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/77: VIM 102
(FranciscoD, 17:41:15)
* VIM 102 may be instructed by x3mboy, pinged him on ticket. Otherwise
it needs an instructor (FranciscoD, 17:41:38)
* https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/78: silverblue 101
(FranciscoD, 17:41:56)
* miabbot may instruct silveblue 101, hellbanger[m] is managing it,
needs confirmation and then magazine post + date/time (FranciscoD,
* https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/67: IRC 101
(FranciscoD, 17:42:30)
* FranciscoD is hoping dhanesh95 would instruct this one ;)
(FranciscoD, 17:42:44)
* https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/80: L10N 101
(FranciscoD, 17:43:28)
* silvia (fas: lailah) is instructing L10N, FranciscoD is managing
it. Needs magazine post + time/date (FranciscoD, 17:44:10)
* Sessions with confirmed instructors: L10N, Badges, Containers 101
and podman, LaTeX 101 (4/8): these need dates + magazine summaries +
bluejeans rooms (FranciscoD, 17:45:22)
* Sessions needing instructors or waiting confirmation: selinux,
silverblue, vim102, irc 101 (4/8) (FranciscoD, 17:46:01)
* possible extra session: Buildah (Dan said he may be able to take
this) (FranciscoD, 17:46:21)
* AGREED: Add buildah session to F29 semester (FranciscoD, 17:48:12)
* ACTION: FranciscoD file tickets for buildah session (FranciscoD,
(FranciscoD, 17:49:02)
* alciregi manage Buildah 101 session (FranciscoD, 17:50:33)
* asamalik++ received the sensei badge for the docs Classroom (bt0,
* LINK: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/sensei (bt0,
* Go over Ask Fedora migration tickets in next meeting (FranciscoD,
* ACTION: FranciscoD add Ask Fedora migration tickets to next_meeting
page (FranciscoD, 17:55:14)
bodhi 3.11.0 beta was just deployed to staging (FranciscoD,

* open floor (FranciscoD, 17:56:21)

Meeting ended at 18:00:50 UTC.

Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD"

Time zone: Europe/London